Gather Your Grimoire is an upcoming competitive card game developed by Funcertainty Box. I acted not only as the sole artist on the project, but also lead game designer. Players must play cards from their hand that match the Spells needed for their role, but can interrupt other players with those same Spells.
Miasmatic Mayhem is a board game developed by Funcertainty Box. I was responsible for character, item, and location design and illustration. The game takes place in a post-apocalypse, where a milky-white fog obscures the environment. Players must do what they can to strengthen themselves in order to take on challenges, as the game’s world is shuffled around them.
Star Strategy is an upcoming board game also developed by Funcertainty Box. I was responsible for card frames and UI elements, such as icons and logos. Star Strategy sees players traveling across the galaxy, collecting resources to complete missions and answering transmissions from fellow travelers. Players have a limited time to complete objectives, so they must coordinate amongst each other to win the game.